Telephone Answering Service Solutions
Newtown Answering Service provides 24/7/365 live answering service, call-routing and voicemail-forwarding solutions to business owners who don't have the luxury of being able to answer the phones 24/7 and can't justify hiring an in-house receptionist. Our local (never outsourced) professional call center service representatives answer the phones around the clock every day of the year so you don't have to. Our telephone answering service is here to answer your calls and provide information to your callers whenever you're in a meeting, out in the field, running errands or just trying to relax during off-hours.
Every industry has unique stresses and demands that prevent personnel from being able to constantly wait by the phones. If your team members always had one hand on the phone they wouldn't get much else done, would they? When you hire Newtown Answering Service you'll no longer need to make a compromise between getting work done and answering the phones. Both elements are obviously integral parts of any business, and our phone answering solution ensures your phone calls are answered by polite representatives who understand the needs of your audience and how to respond to them.
We're happy to answer the phones for businesses of any type, a few in particular with especially complex needs that Newtown Answering Service specializes in responding are:
- Incoming lead processing
- Phone/email monitoring while you're
on the job
- Appointment scheduling
- Virtual receptionist
- After-hours answering
- On-call scheduling
- Patient screening
- Emergency relay
- Appointment scheduling
- After-hours answering
- HIPPA-HITECH compliance
- Answering for multiple properties
- Notify on-call staff
- Apartment complex answering solutions
- Commercial building answering solutions
- Personal secretary/receptionist
- Printing/copying services
- Incoming lead processing
- Mail/shipping services
With Newtown Answering Service on your side you can finally stop worrying and get back to work.
Learn what we can do for you.
Call us today! |
What our customers have to say,
'We just wanted to thank you so much for your exceptional customer service - we have been your customer for over a year now & would like to tell you how much you are doing right as a business.
Your business is obviously run very efficiently which starts with you the owner, Theran & then filters down to your team. We are always able to reach a "live" person to help us with our last minute questions that usually need immediate attention who is not only always very friendly but resolves it easily (which we know is no small feat)! We feel very grateful to not only have the hundreds of emergency & non-emergency calls prioritized by you but that the calls will always be handled so professionally & efficiently by your round-the-clock team!
Thank you for your reliability, professionalism and friendly support - we couldn't imagine running our very busy HVAC business without you!"
Thank you,
Glen & Jessica Capelle